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A zig library to interact with ethereum and other EVM blockchains


Zabi aims to add support for interacting with ethereum or any compatible EVM based chain.

Example Usage

const args_parser = zabi.args;
const std = @import("std");
const zabi = @import("zabi");
const Wallet = zabi.clients.wallet.Wallet(.http);
const CliOptions = struct {
    priv_key: [32]u8,
    url: []const u8,
pub fn main() !void {
    var gpa = std.heap.GeneralPurposeAllocator(.{}){};
    defer _ = gpa.deinit();
    var iter = try std.process.argsWithAllocator(gpa.allocator());
    defer iter.deinit();
    const parsed = args_parser.parseArgs(CliOptions, gpa.allocator(), &iter);
    const uri = try std.Uri.parse(parsed.url);
    var wallet = try Wallet.init(parsed.priv_key, .{
        .allocator = gpa.allocator(),
        .network_config = .{ .endpoint = .{ .uri = uri } },
    }, false);
    defer wallet.deinit();
    const message = try wallet.signEthereumMessage("Hello World");
    const hexed = try message.toHex(wallet.allocator);
    defer gpa.allocator().free(hexed);
    std.debug.print("Ethereum message: {s}\n", .{hexed});

Installing Zig

You can install the latest version of zig here or you can also use a version manager like zvm to manage your zig version.


  • Json RPC with support for http/s, ws/s and ipc connections.
  • EVM Interperter that you can use to run contract bytecode.
  • Wallet instances and contract instances to use for interacting with nodes/json rpc.
  • Wallet nonce manager that uses a json rpc as a source of truth.
  • BlockExplorer support. Only the free methods from those api endpoints are supported.
  • Custom Secp256k1 ECDSA signer using only Zig and implementation of RFC6979 nonce generator.
  • Custom JSON Parser that can be used to deserialize and serialized RPC data at runtime.
  • ABI to zig types.
  • Support for EIP712.
  • Support for EIP3074 authorization message.
  • Parsing of human readable ABIs into zig types with custom Parser and Lexer.
  • HD Wallet and Mnemonic passphrases.
  • RLP Encoding/Decoding.
  • SSZ Encoding/Decoding.
  • ABI Encoding/Decoding with support for Log topics encoding and decoding.
  • Parsing of encoded transactions and serialization of transaction objects.
  • Support for all transaction types and the new EIP4844 KZG commitments.
  • Support for OPStack and ENS.
  • Custom meta programming functions to translate ABI's into zig types.
  • Support for interacting with test chains such as Anvil or Hardhat.
  • Custom RPC server used to fuzz data. Support http, ws and ipc.
  • Custom cli args parser that translates commands to zig types and can be used to pass data to methods.
  • Custom data generator usefull for fuzzing.

And a lot more to come yet to come...


The goal of zabi is to be one of the best library to use by the ethereum ecosystem and to expose to more people to the zig programming language.

