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EIP712 typed data domain. Spec is defined here


struct {
  chainId: ?u64 = null
  name: ?[]const u8 = null
  verifyingContract: ?[]const u8 = null
  version: ?[]const u8 = null
  salt: ?[]const u8 = null


EIP712 message property type. Spec is defined here


struct {
  name: []const u8
  type: []const u8


Set of possible errors when encoding struct into human-readable format.

Allocator.Error || error{InvalidPrimaryType}


Set of possible errors when encoding the struct values.

EncodeTypeErrors || ParamErrors || error{ UnexpectTypeFound, NoSpaceLeft, InvalidLength }


Performs hashing of EIP712 according to the expecification

types parameter is expected to be a struct where the struct keys are used to grab the solidity type information so that the encoding and hashing can happen based on it. See the specification for more details.

primary_type is the expected main type that you want to hash this message. Compilation will fail if the provided string doesn't exist on the types parameter

domain is the values of the defined EIP712Domain. Currently it doesnt not support custom domain types.

message is expected to be a struct where the solidity types are transalated to the native zig types. I.E string -> []const u8 or int256 -> i256 and so on. In the future work will be done where the compiler will offer more clearer types base on a meta programming type function.

const domain: TypedDataDomain = .{
    .name = "Ether Mail",
    .version = "1",
    .chainId = 1,
    .verifyingContract = "0xCcCCccccCCCCcCCCCCCcCcCccCcCCCcCcccccccC",
const types = .{
    .EIP712Domain = &.{
        .{ .type = "string", .name = "name" },
        .{ .name = "version", .type = "string" },
        .{ .name = "chainId", .type = "uint256" },
        .{ .name = "verifyingContract", .type = "address" },
    .Person = &.{
        .{ .name = "name", .type = "string" },
        .{ .name = "wallet", .type = "address" },
    .Mail = &.{
        .{ .name = "from", .type = "Person" },
        .{ .name = "to", .type = "Person" },
        .{ .name = "contents", .type = "string" },
const hash = try hashTypedData(testing.allocator, types, "Mail", domain, .{
    .from = .{
        .name = "Cow",
        .wallet = "0xCD2a3d9F938E13CD947Ec05AbC7FE734Df8DD826",
    .to = .{
        .name = "Bob",
        .wallet = "0xbBbBBBBbbBBBbbbBbbBbbbbBBbBbbbbBbBbbBBbB",
    .contents = "Hello, Bob!",


pub fn hashTypedData(
    allocator: Allocator,
    comptime types: anytype,
    comptime primary_type: []const u8,
    domain: ?TypedDataDomain,
    message: anytype,
) EIP712Errors![Keccak256.digest_length]u8


Performs hashing of EIP712 structs according to the expecification

types parameter is expected to be a struct where the struct keys are used to grab the solidity type information so that the encoding and hashing can happen based on it.
See the specification for more details.

primary_type is the expected main type that you want to hash this message.
Compilation will fail if the provided string doesn't exist on the types parameter

data is expected to be a struct where the solidity types are transalated to the native zig types. I.E string -> []const u8 or int256 -> i256 and so on.

In the future work will be done where the compiler will offer more clearer types base on a meta programming type function.

const domain: TypedDataDomain = .{
    .name = "Ether Mail",
    .version = "1",
    .chainId = 1,
    .verifyingContract = "0xCcCCccccCCCCcCCCCCCcCcCccCcCCCcCcccccccC",
const types = .{
    .EIP712Domain = &.{
        .{ .type = "string", .name = "name" },
        .{ .name = "version", .type = "string" },
        .{ .name = "chainId", .type = "uint256" },
        .{ .name = "verifyingContract", .type = "address" },
    .Person = &.{
        .{ .name = "name", .type = "string" },
        .{ .name = "wallet", .type = "address" },
    .Mail = &.{
        .{ .name = "from", .type = "Person" },
        .{ .name = "to", .type = "Person" },
        .{ .name = "contents", .type = "string" },
const hash = try hashStruct(testing.allocator, types, "EIP712Domain", domain);


pub fn hashStruct(
    allocator: Allocator,
    comptime types: anytype,
    comptime primary_type: []const u8,
    data: anytype,
) EIP712Errors![Keccak256.digest_length]u8


Performs encoding of EIP712 structs according to the expecification

types parameter is expected to be a struct where the struct keys are used to grab the solidity type information so that the encoding and hashing can happen based on it. See the specification for more details.

primary_type is the expected main type that you want to hash this message. Compilation will fail if the provided string doesn't exist on the types parameter

data is expected to be a struct where the solidity types are transalated to the native zig types. I.E string -> []const u8 or int256 -> i256 and so on. In the future work will be done where the compiler will offer more clearer types base on a meta programming type function.

Slices, arrays, strings and bytes will all be encoded as "bytes32" instead of their usual encoded values.


pub fn encodeStruct(
    allocator: Allocator,
    comptime types: anytype,
    comptime primary_type: []const u8,
    data: anytype,
    writer: anytype,
) EIP712Errors!void


Encodes a singular struct field.


pub fn encodeStructField(
    allocator: Allocator,
    comptime types: anytype,
    comptime primary_type: []const u8,
    value: anytype,
    writer: anytype,
) EIP712Errors!void


Hash the main types and it's nested children


pub fn hashType(allocator: Allocator, comptime types_fields: anytype, comptime primary_type: []const u8) EncodeTypeErrors![Keccak256.digest_length]u8


Encodes the main type from a struct into a "human-readable" format.

Ex: struct { Mail: []const struct {type: "address", name: "foo"}} into "Mail(address foo)"


pub fn encodeType(
    allocator: Allocator,
    comptime types_fields: anytype,
    comptime primary_type: []const u8,
    writer: anytype,
) !void


Finds the main type child type and recursivly checks their children as well.


pub fn findTypeDependencies(comptime types_fields: anytype, comptime primary_type: []const u8, result: *std.StringArrayHashMap(void)) Allocator.Error!void